Can you commit 3 days to reset restore and balance? Rejuvenation begins from the inside out…

A Simple and easy Three-Day Cleanse

Reset and Detoxify in Just Three Days

Have you ever heard of kitchari cleanse?


Kitchari cleanse is tri-dosha and it is for everyone and it won’t aggravate your doshas. It is an excellent way to reset your digestive system, metabolism, and clean accumulated toxins.



The practice of cleansing is considered a vital part of an Ayurvedic lifestyle. It provides an important means of clearing accumulated waste and toxicity from the mind, body, and tissues, a periodic cleansing regimen is more vital to our health than ever before. Our bodies are being asked to process a seemingly endless barrage of harmful inputs such as environmental toxins, processed foods. And this can ultimately lead to toxic build-up in our digestive system. A periodic cleanse helps to clear these accumulations from the body. This particular cleanse is based on eating a mono-diet of whole grains and kitchari, drinking plenty of detoxifying fluids, and taking Triphala in the evening to support digestion, elimination, and the body’s natural detoxification processes. This regimen supports the physiology by slowing the flood of harmful inputs and by providing the body with an important opportunity to rest, recuperate, and repair itself.

The foods ingested during this cleanse are very easy to digest and therefore help to improve the strength of agni (the metabolic fire)—which is essential to optimal health.

Want to learn how to detox, rest and eat right for our mind and body? Start now with our easy-to-use programs available in English and Spanish.

A simple three-day cleanse can help to:

  • Improve digestion and metabolic function.

  • Promote regular and balanced elimination.

  • Support the maintenance of a healthy body weight.

  • Nurture an improved sense of energy, vitality, and enthusiasm for life.

  • Foster clarity and groundedness in the mental, spiritual, and emotional spheres.

  • Gibe your digestive system a break

  • Let your skin glow and be Radiant

  • goodbye stubborn belly fat

  • Encourage a balanced sleep cycle.

  • Promote improved overall health.

For some of you, the word “detox” or cleanse might bring up unpleasant thoughts about deprivation, feeling sick, or drinking strange concoctions that make you visit the bathroom more often than you’d like. But the truth is. A cleanse doesn’t have to be miserable. In fact, you can cleanse effectively while still enjoying great energy and plenty of delicious, healthy foods.
3 Day Vegan Cleanse
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3 Day Vegan Cleanse

Fact: It takes 3 days to heal your gut, reset your metabolism and cleanse toxins from your body a tri-doshic cleanse that won’t aggravate your dosha.

3 Day Ghee Kitchari Cleanse
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3 Day Ghee Kitchari Cleanse

Fact: It takes 3 days to heal your gut, reset your metabolism and cleanse toxins from your body a tri-doshic cleanse that won’t aggravate your dosha

3-Dias de Limpieza Vegana
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3-Dias de Limpieza Vegana

Se necesitan 3 días para sanar el intestino, restablecer el metabolismo y limpiar las toxinas de su cuerpo, una limpieza tri-doshic que no irritatà su dosha.

3-Dias Limpieza de Kitchari con Ghee
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3-Dias Limpieza de Kitchari con Ghee

Se necesitan 3 días para sanar el intestino, restablecer el metabolismo y limpiar las toxinas de su cuerpo, una limpieza tri-doshic que no irritatà su dosha.

Plan Your Cleanse

I suggest cleansing during the weekend, so you don't have to stress and worry about a cleanse during a week's extended obligations. Consider setting aside 3 days of laying low. Doing a cleanse is typically hard around social settings. Unless you have a strong support determination and are laser focus. Mindfully taken the 3 days to cleanse is all part of self-care don't forget! And be proud of yourself for doing it! Do be mindful if you are a coffee drinker, smoker, or consume alcohol, I would suggest reducing and, if possible, eliminate during your cleanse.

The Cleanse

During the three-day cleanse, you will be eating a simplified diet enough that you can maintain your essential responsibilities while resetting the digestive system, supporting the elimination of toxins, and balancing Vata, pitta, and Kapha. Avoid eating leftovers from previous days, it is acceptable to prepare all of your food for the day in the morning, if that works for you. Garnishes such as cilantro chutney and sesame seed chutney can usually be kept for several days without issue. It is not uncommon to experience mild constipation during a cleanse. Healthy elimination is critical to the detoxification process, so it is best to be proactive about relieving any discomfort as soon as you are aware of it.