The Guide to Dry Brushing- Everything You Need to Know for Healthy Glowing Skin.
In Ayurvedic Medicine, we believe that brushing your skin can help you release toxins, among other great benefits.
Here are some benefits you might want to check out and decide if dry brushing is a good fit to integrate into your daily routine;
Dry-brushing removes toxins from your Lymphatic System. Helping your body fight infection, stimulating fluids to flow through the lymph nodes.
When we are sick or often exposed to toxins ( environmental, lifestyle, eating habits, stress levels), our system becomes clogged, creating a traffic jam. When we get sick, we often can see or feel our lymph nodes swell up.
Dry-brushing can help the body release toxins. The brush stimulates and opens our lymph nodes, making it easier for our bodies to sweat, reducing the levels of toxins flowing through our lymph nodes.
What about the skin?
Dry brushing can take away dead skin, leaving and feeling your skin smooth like a baby's bum. While you brush away, you will also discover as you get into the dry brushing routine, with time, you will find it relaxing. (hence "with time") of course, if you are not used to it as everything, it will take time to get used to it. However, for some people, it will be like love at first touch!
And ladies, one of the major perks for Dry-Brushing!! cellulite!
An annoying condition that most women struggle with and are affected with as we get older, environmental, eating habits, stress, drinking, and unfortunately, some would argue, it can be hereditary. Give it a go and see it for yourself? It has been showing to minimize the appearance of cellulite. In some cases, dry brushing of coarse with hydration, a well-balanced diet, and staying active is essential. Dry brushing alone is not going to help.
Things to consider before going wild with the dry brushing:
Keep in mind that Dry-Brushing is not for everyone. If you have skin problems or sensitive skin.
I would advise you to be reasonable and don't subject yourself to skin irritation just because "everyone is doing it."
Those with dry skin maybe go slow. Try it out once per week to see how your skin reacts to it. For those with psoriasis and eczema, Im sorry :( not recommended. If you have an open wound, AVOID brushing over affected areas to avoid infections Or consult your dermatologist.
Want to learn how to dry-brush your skin?
Begin by using a natural fiber brush. and follow these easy steps:
1. Start from your feet and move your way up your body.
2. Brush your body by using wide, circular, clockwise motions.
3. Make sure you are gentle ! think self-care, self-love! Apply light pressure in areas where your skin is thin and slightly harder on thicker skin, like the soles of your feet.
4. Remember to brush upwards towards your shoulder. Start with your feet moving up towards your legs, torso, and arms.
5. Done brushing? Take a cooler shower to help remove the dry skin.
6. After dry off and apply moisturizer, coconut oil, almond oil, cacao butter, olive oil, depending on your dosha. ( if you want to find your dosha take our DOSHA QUIZ on our website. It is free)
New at dry brushing ? not to worry; here are some tips to help you :
at first, start light gentle no need to go hard.
At the beginning of your dry-brushing routine, start slow, and as you get used to it dry brushing, you can increase the pressure; remember "baby steps."
As mentioned before, avoid broken skin to avoid irritation, bacteria, or infection
skin rashes
Open wounds
small or big cuts
Areas affected with poison oak, ivy, psoriasis, eczema.
And if you want to dry-brush your face! Make sure the brush is for the face. They do sell them, so do not use the body brush.
Are you looking for the perfect dry-brushing?
All you need is a brush with natural fiber bristles. You may also want to dry brush in the shower to clean the area once you are done.
You can find brushes for less than $10 and also Drying brushing kits online.
Keep THA' brush clean!! Think of it like the toothbrush of your skin. Please don't share it; keep it dry. Please keep it clean.
How to decide how often to Dry-Brush?
As a general rule of thumb, go easy, go gentle, don't go for it all at once. Don't worry. You have plenty of time to adjust your skin and get it right. I would recommend starting slow. Less is more. Try it first once per week and see how your skin reacts. Don't forget to moisturize after and to clean your brush. To get rid of all of the dead skin. If you have susceptible to sensitive skin, brush twice monthly, which means every other week.
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