200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training & Surf Retreat in Costa Rica

Find Your Purpose - Live Your Passion

Summer Teacher Training

August 4 - August 27, 2024

Immersion Yoga Teacher Training

With flexibility in mind, strength in the body, wisdom, and a wealth of knowledge we have designed a course to empower you to create a balance of well-being. Our Costa Rica Yoga Teacher Training program offers the unique opportunity to explore ancient yogic wisdom while restoring harmony and balance to your daily existence.

You will leave our program as a certified and accredited yoga instructor, ready to share your practice with others.

Our close proximity to the ocean offers the opportunity to explore the art of surfing, another flow-based practice that allows one to tap into a deep sense of connection and find oneness and peace with all that is. We find stillness within the movement.

About Our Training

Embark on a holistic and transformative journey through yoga teacher training! Whether you're a seasoned yogi or a beginner, our yoga teacher training can help you deepen your practice, connect with nature, and cultivate personal growth.

With us, you'll have the opportunity to explore the physical, mental, and spiritual aspects of yoga, gaining the skills and knowledge to share its benefits with others. It is a unique opportunity to combine the physical practice of surfing with the mindful practice of yoga and meditation, allowing you to tap into a deep sense of connection with yourself, others, and nature.

Led by experienced and highly qualified instructors, our yoga teacher training in Costa Rica will provide you with a comprehensive understanding of yoga philosophy, anatomy, and teaching methodology. You'll receive personalized guidance and support throughout the program, helping you refine your practice and develop your skills.

Magical Costa Rica

Costa Rica's breathtaking natural beauty is an integral part of the experience. Nestled amidst lush rainforests and idyllic beaches, this location offers the perfect location for an immersive and rejuvenating yoga experience. Practicing yoga amidst the stunning rainforest or on pristine beaches is a serene and tranquil experience that promotes mindfulness and inner peace.

Overall, our training in Costa Rica is a life-changing experience that can help you deepen your practice, gain new insights, and become a skilled and confident yoga teacher. It's a holistic journey that nourishes the mind, body, and spirit, promoting personal growth, inner peace, and connection with nature. You will leave feeling so much lighter.

Find Your Purpose - Live Your Passion

  • 200 Hour Yoga Training

    You will emerge as a certified and confident yoga instructor, equipped with the knowledge, skills, and authentic teaching experience needed to lead impactful classes and guide others on their wellness journey.

  • Surfing

    Immerse yourself in the art of surfing in lessons with our expert instructors.

  • Organic Meals

    Rejuvenate your body with organic, vegan, clean, Ayurvedic meals.

  • Ayurveda Classes

    Elevate your yoga instruction with Ayurveda lectures, enhancing your ability to integrate holistic wellness principles into your classes.

  • Meditation & Pranayama

    Find inner peace and mental clarity through guided meditation practices. We will join in Meditation and Pranayama as a group each day.

  • Nightly Sacred Gatherings

    Gather under the stars for our nightly sacred gatherings, fostering deep connections as we reflect on the day with new friends.

Ari Beers is renowned as a leading figure in the health and wellness sphere, lauded for her adept integration of Western and Eastern modalities. With exceptional training in integrative health and wellness, she is a distinguished yoga instructor and meditation expert with over 15 years of experience.

As the visionary founder of Anahata Conscious Living, Ari is deeply committed to empowering her students to cultivate their daily yoga practice while advocating yoga as a therapeutic medicine. Drawing from diverse influences encompassing Kundalini, Tantric, and Hatha yoga, alongside various pranayama and ancient philosophy modalities, Ari's distinctive methodology offers a holistic approach to overall health and well-being. Her yoga sequences are meticulously crafted to address trauma stored in the body, nurturing healing on both mental and physical levels.

Ari has effectively guided individuals on their path to optimal health through lifestyle modifications and integrative nutrition. She is also a sought-after speaker on mindfulness wellness, captivating audiences with her insightful talks on achieving life balance and vitality. Additionally, Ari has established a yoga school that transcends the physical aspects of yoga, providing transformative training to enhance and elevate lives.

Her unwavering dedication to transforming lives underscores her mission. Her studies have been focused on preventative approaches, body healing, and understanding the mechanisms of trauma recovery. Ari has authored a comprehensive manual for training that delves into more than just yoga, offering insights into healthy living and the profound philosophy of purpose, altruism, and the significance of a sound body and mind.

It is Ari's extensive training and years of practice that have propelled her to her current stature, leading trainings, retreats, and speaking engagements globally.

 About Our Training Programs

  • ​06:00 am – 08:00 am      Meditation, Pranayama, Asana

  • 08:00 am – 9:00 am        Breakfast, Beach Time, Surfing or Relaxing

  • 09:00 am – 10:00 am      Beach Time, Surfing or Relaxing

  • 10:00 am – 11:00 pm       Spiritual Lesson

  • 11:00 am – 12:00 pm       Special Topic

  • 01:00 pm – 2:00 pm        Yoga Philosophy or Yoga Anatomy

  • 02:00 pm – 3:00 pm        Lunch 

  • 03:00 pm – 6:00 pm        Art of Teaching, Alignment, Assist

  • 06:00 pm – 7:00 pm        Dinner

  • 07:00 pm – 8:00 pm        Sacred Circle

Daily YTT Schedule

“You were meant for greater self-knowledge, heartfelt connections, inner peace, and wisdom. Knowledge is power. But what if we miss the signs that guide us toward a more fulfilling life? What if you don’t take advantage of that one opportunity that could change everything? The only thing getting in the way is us. Don’t hold back by fear or doubt, tap into your power and the inner teacher, which is alive in all of us just waiting to be seen”. -AB-

Our Teacher Training Includes:

  • Airport Transfers

  • Accommodations

  • 3 Custom Organic, Clean Ayurvedic Meals Daily (All Included)

  • 200 Hour YTT Yoga Certification by our Yoga Alliance® Accredited program

  • 3 Surf Lessons (Additional Lessons Available Upon Request)

  • Meditation & Pranayama

  • Ayurveda Lectures

  • Welcome Gift (Anahata Tote Bag, Sarong, Incense)


Frequently Asked Questions

  • Hand Hygiene

    Proper and frequent handwashing to help combat the spread of germs. We all know cleanliness starts with this one simple act and is of vital importance for the health of our employees and of our guests

    Guest Rooms

    We use cleaning and disinfecting protocols to clean rooms after guests depart and before the next guest arrives, with special attention paid to high-touch items.

    Retreat Spaces

    We have increased the frequency of cleaning and disinfecting in public areas, focusing on the counters, door handles, and shared bathrooms. No surface is left uncleaned. In the spaces where team members work “behind the scenes”, we increase the frequency of cleaning and focus on high-touch areas like associate entrances.

  • Download the travel tip sheet here.

  • View all the necessary travel information with our Costa Rica 411.

  • It's not uncommon to encounter mental and emotional blocks on the path to becoming a yoga instructor. One of the primary hurdles is often rooted in our own minds – our fears, inner conflicts, and unresolved traumas, sometimes lingering in the subconscious.

    In addressing the concern of feeling blocked, it's crucial to recognize that the mind and body are intricately connected. The practice of yoga serves as a transformative tool, offering a holistic approach to opening both the body and the mind.

    Many aspiring instructors share the same fervent desire for change. The challenge arises when this ambition is met with fear and doubt, which can manifest as a barrier to realizing your goals. Frequently, fear-based comfort zones become patterns, where the yearning for change is expressed through words, yet action is elusive.

    It's disheartening when we find ourselves trapped in a cycle of complaint without taking the necessary steps for transformation. The sad reality is that we often deny ourselves the chance to break free from these patterns and step into the fulfilling role of a yoga instructor.

    Our Yoga Teacher Training is not only a comprehensive educational program but also a transformative journey. It equips you with the tools to address these mental and emotional blocks, empowering you to overcome fears, doubts, and comfort-based patterns. Through the training, you not only deepen your understanding of yoga but also give yourself the opportunity to transform, breaking free from limitations and stepping inside the rewarding role of a certified yoga instructor.

  • Absolutely! We understand that some yoga teacher trainings may leave individuals feeling unprepared to step into the role of a teacher. However, with our program, you not only gain comprehensive knowledge but also build the confidence and practical experience needed to embark on your teaching journey. We're proud to share a 100% success rate, assuring you that you'll leave our training fully equipped to start teaching yoga.

    Our training goes beyond imparting information; it's about empowering you to embrace the teacher within yourself. We believe that when you join our program, the teacher within you is already guiding you and sparking the fire needed to share the transformative practice of yoga.

    If you're curious about starting a teacher training, know that everything you need is already within you; our training simply provides the push to help you spread your wings, free your mind, and step into the powerful role of a yoga teacher.

    You'll leave our program not just with knowledge but with the readiness and confidence to share the gift of yoga with others.

  • Surfing and yoga share a profound connection, both centered on the synergy of mind, body, and spirit.

    In both practices, we draw our focus inward, honing our attention on the present moment. The strong Ujjayi breath, a fundamental aspect of yoga, becomes a parallel to the rhythmic breaths taken while riding a wave. The engagement of the core, pulling the bellybutton into the spine, is a shared element, fostering stability and balance in both activities.

    Surfing, much like yoga, is a dance with balance. As you ride a wave, you navigate the ever-changing dynamics, requiring a centered and balanced approach. This balance transcends the physical act – it extends to life itself. Amidst the chaos, noise, and challenges, the combination of surfing and yoga provides a sanctuary of calmness. It teaches us that even in the most turbulent situations, inner calm is achievable.

    Just as panic can lead to going under in the surf, a sense of panic can disrupt your balance in yoga, especially during challenging poses like arm balances. The parallel here is clear – maintaining composure and mindfulness is key.

    Through the integration of surfing and yoga, you not only embrace the physical benefits but also cultivate a mindset that transcends panic, promoting resilience and steadiness in the face of life's challenges. It's a holistic synergy that extends beyond the waves and the mat, fostering a harmonious connection between the self and the world around you.

The yoga tradition identifies four essential human desires that compel all our actions: meaning, prosperity, happiness, and freedom. Through teaching, practice, and self-reflection, we will use these desires as the basis for exploring and realizing your Sankalpa.

This vow becomes the force that brings our thoughts, choices, and actions into alignment with our True Nature-empowering our ability to act while lessening our resistances and fears. 

This experience is not merely a yoga teacher training – it’s a holistic immersion that blends the wisdom of positive psychology, life coaching, Ayurveda, and pranayama. It's a unique opportunity not only to detox but to transform your entire life. This experience is designed to ignite positive shifts in all aspects of your life, empowering you to cultivate personal success and unblock your most exciting manifestations.

Are You Ready To Join Us?

Your Yoga Teacher Training, Certification, Accommodations, and All-Included Meals are $4000.

If you apply up to one month before the training, you will receive our early bird special pricing of $3500.

Reserve your spot on our yoga teacher training by placing your $500 deposit.

Please view our cancellation policy here. If you have any further questions please email us at contact@anahataconsciousliving.com.

Summer Teacher Training

August 4 - August 27, 2024

“Anahata Conscious Living is a soul-changing experience, one that helps provide purpose and knowledge of yoga and mindfulness techniques and to take them back home so they are disseminated to larger numbers of people. Anahata´s team brings very diverse experiences, a strong drive and commitment to teaching, and an openness of mind and soul to adapt to each participant´s needs.”

Miguel Lopez de Silanes