Recharging & Transforming through Self-Care

Yoga has been a part of Patricia's life for many years on a professional level, having been a dedicated Occupational Therapist teaching life skills for the past 15 years in homeless and domestic violence shelters throughout NYC.  She had the opportunity to witness the benefits the classes volunteer yogis offered.  She saw the power yoga & meditation had to uplift one's day or to change one's state of mind from anxious to calm and overall improving the lives of others living in difficult environments.  She often promoted both as a means to cope and manage stress.  Along with the notion of proper self-care and gaining mind, body, spirit balance for an improved quality of life, without necessarily employing these principles into her own, rather immersing herself in her work and increasingly feeling more imbalanced.  During this YTT journey, Patricia opened her heart and gifted herself the opportunity to recharge through self-care and to practice what she has been preaching to her clients over the years.  Tune in to learn more of her beautiful journey of transformation and her quest for more balance.


A journey from individual mindfulness to community health


Taking Chances to find Santosha